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Need for Blue Collar Manpower Supply in Different Sectors in UAE


Manpower Supply in UAE

The fourth-largest economy in the Middle East is the United Arab Emirates, which has successfully diversified its economy. The swift expansion of the country’s economy has been a driving force behind the dynamic growth of a great number of industries. As the nation moves up the scale of development, it is placing a significant emphasis on the growth of a variety of industries. As a direct result of the aforementioned phenomenon, there has been an abrupt increase in the requirement for human labour. In addition to having both skilled and unskilled labourers, the nation is considered to have one of the world’s economies that is growing at one of the fastest rates. The process of selecting the appropriate amount of manpower, on the other hand, is not an easy one. It’s possible that various industries will experience chaos as a result of increased demand and supply. The presence of manpower supply agencies helps to prevent the occurrence of the same problem. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about the top industries that have the highest demand for manpower. In addition to this, we will go into further detail on the difficulties that are experienced by organisations in the UAE and how Soundlines can assist you in overcoming these obstacles.

The United Arab Emirates’ Most Prominent Industries

Oil and gas have been the country’s primary sources of revenue for many decades. The government, on the other hand, has very recently begun to give equal weight to all of the industries. Because of this action, many different industries, including tourism, retail, and manufacturing, have seen significant expansion as a result, which has helped the government of the UAE raise more revenue.

The following are examples of some of the most important industries in the UAE that make significant contributions to the economy of the nation:

Oil and Gas Industry

The nation’s economic prosperity is heavily backed by the oil and gas industries in UAE. The sector’s expansion has generated a plethora of employment opportunities. Conceptualization, design, construction, management, and operation are important to project areas.

Manufacturing Sector
With the development of technology, businesses and industrial organisations have incorporated the most modern equipment into their operations. As a result of the incorporation of technologically advanced equipment, factories must now employ qualified and semi-skilled workers capable of operating the machinery efficiently.

Construction Sector

Since 1960, the construction industry in the UAE has expanded rapidly. It has become one of the most dynamic and rapidly expanding industries. As the sector expands and modernises, there is a need for more trained individuals to fill a variety of jobs.

Real Estate and Infrastructure Industries

Recent growth in the real estate and infrastructure sectors have both played a role in elevating the country’s profile as a desirable tourist destination on the international stage. The United Arab Emirates developed real estate projects to meet market demands. As demand for housing and commercial units increase, the real estate industry positively impacts economic growth, employment opportunities, investments, and tourism.

Travel and Hospitality Sectors

Recent efforts made by the United Arab Emirates to diversify the national economy through tourism promotion have been successful. The majority of the country’s most popular tourist destinations are shopping districts, in addition to historic and modern landmarks. In the last ten years, the hospitality industry has grown at a phenomenal rate, making it one of the fastest-growing industries in the country. Dubai is one of the world’s most visited cities, attracting tourists from around the globe. 

What is a Manpower Supply Company? Do you require one?

Challenges encountered when employing personnel

Everyone from labours to expatriates of diverse backgrounds is migrating to the UAE in search of better employment opportunities. As a result of the nation’s robust economic growth, there is an increase in the number of people migrating to find employment. This is exacerbated by the rising unemployment rate in other regions of the world and economic issues. However, industries face certain obstacles when recruiting personnel.

Strict UAE Employment Laws

The UAE Labour Laws apply to all employees working in the UAE, both UAE nationals and foreign nationals. To avoid employment issues, it is essential to be familiar with the labour laws applicable to your organization’s location. Soundlines can assist you in avoiding this circumstance. Our team of experts can assist you in comprehending the compliance provisions. 

Difficulties in the Immigration process

One of the difficulties organisations in the UAE face is Immigration. Primarily because, in order to hire people, an organisation must adhere to specific procedures. We can streamline these processes by compiling all documents required to comply with immigration procedures.

Procedure for Employing Personnel in the UAE

Observing the stringent labour laws of the UAE is essential. After your organisation has performed its due diligence to locate and interview a qualified applicant, it must adhere to the proper procedure. Employers must adhere to specific legal requirements regarding their responsibilities.

Step 1 – Select the ideal candidate

Selecting the most qualified candidates from the available pool is the initial step in the hiring process. As the screening process can be lengthy, employing a staffing agency can facilitate the procedure. Book Personnel with the Leading Manpower Supplier in UAE

Step 2 – Guaranteeing Appropriate Documentation

As previously mentioned, the UAE has strict employment laws. Therefore, the recruiting company must provide an employment contract. In addition, the law governing employment stipulates the maximum number of hours that can be worked in a given week, the amount of vacation time that an employee is eligible for, and whether or not the employee is eligible for additional benefits such as maternity or sick leave. Soundlines can assist you in ensuring that all requirements are met. This can simplify the documentation process.

About Soundlines and the benefits of outsourcing your human resources supply needs to Soundlines?

As an employer in the UAE, you may feel frightened upon realising all the potential problems you may face. Complying is challenging because you need an HR department that is constantly focused on keeping up with the latest legislation. Therefore, you can rely on Soundlines to help you hire the necessary employees for your business. With the assistance of an outsourcing company, you won’t need to worry about tedious procedures. You only need to entrust us to help you find the right people and manage the paperwork. One of the benefits of employing the best manpower supply company in  UAE, such as Soundlines, is that you can devote more time and energy to your core business operations.

This will ultimately increase the efficiency of your organisation. You will be required to devote your time solely to expansion and improvement. Contact us immediately for your staffing needs.

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