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Six Strategies for Recruitment Marketing to Engage Global Employees


Recruiting international labor enables a company to stay competitive and expand its skill set. Using the proper recruitment strategies while advertising to potential candidates will aid in locating candidates that are an excellent fit for the available positions. 

If you decide to follow suit, here are six recommendations to help you appeal to international candidates.

  1. Learn about cultural variations in the workplace:

Before you promote job vacancies to individuals in that nation, take the time to study the culture and how to adapt to it. People expect change while relocating to different nations for employment. However, if the shift is as seamless as possible and does not generate undue concern, it will be simpler for all parties involved.

  1. Be Precise About Your Necessities: 

If you want to employ individuals from other locations, you shouldn’t use vague wording in your job postings that don’t explain what an overseas employee would accomplish or how they would contribute to the company’s wider goals. Before going through what may be a long visa application procedure, being exceedingly particular can also help you recruit qualified individuals. 

According to 47% of respondents to the 2019 Immigration Trends Report by Envoy, the visa application procedure has grown more difficult. When searching for new personnel, you must be mindful of possible hurdles. Depending on the needed visa and the applicant’s place of origin, you may be required to show that you were not able to locate a local candidate to fill the position you offered to the candidate. If you carefully construct job advertising that quickly targets individuals with specialised abilities, you will probably save time that may be lost if you are not detailed enough about your requirements and how the ideal applicant would satisfy them.

  1. Emphasize relocation-related benefits:

Even if it’s a dream job, moving to another nation for employment is a significant endeavor. However, you may appeal to a person’s desire for a seamless move by emphasizing that your organisation will cover part or all of the relocation costs. If your organisation can help new hires obtain permanent accommodation, include that information in your marketing materials. When you provide a sample of your foreign pay package in your marketing materials, prospects will be better able to determine if the perks satisfy their requirements and make it desirable to seek a job.

  1. Mention the Orientation Procedure When Marketing

Statistics indicate that seventy percent of employees are more likely to remain with their job for a minimum of three years if they have a positive onboarding experience. The purpose of onboarding is to familiarise new workers with the organisation, its expectations, and other fundamentals. Suggest putting up the training program when discussing what new employees should anticipate during their first weeks on the job. People do not want to be concerned that they would migrate to a foreign nation for employment and feel entirely bewildered upon arrival. If you include onboarding in marketing materials for prospective new workers, you will convey the idea that it is a priority. Consider initiating a mentorship programme that pairs long-term international workers with individuals who have just joined the team if your organisation currently has international personnel. Or, you may host social activities that enable foreign employees to get acquainted with one other and corporate conventions in a less formal setting.

  1. Pay Attention to Languages

As you hire foreign employees, pay attention to the language spoken in the location and the ones that would be most beneficial to your business. Employ a language translator if you are posting job ads on the internet or in print publications that predominantly contain a language different from the one most commonly spoken at your company. This individual can help you retain clarity and check for mistakes. Publishing advertisements in a country’s predominant language might potentially boost your reach. Perhaps you require an English speaker yet want to post an advertisement in a publication with a large audience but only Chinese advertisements. Then, a Chinese-speaking individual with an English-speaking, job-seeking buddy may notice it and spread the news. When utilising Facebook, you may also modify settings to target individuals who speak preferred languages, whether in a certain country or anywhere in the globe. This strategy may help you locate candidates who know a somewhat uncommon language, allowing them to supply the linguistic talents your firm requires.

  1. Attend international employment expos

Participating in more foreign job fairs is one answer to this issue. Even while you may be able to meet interesting persons individually for dinner or coffee at the end of the day to offer them extra information, most events only allow for quick first contacts. In any event, face-to-face meetings allow both parties to make better judgments than Skype or phone conferences.

Establish a Global Workforce.

Employing workers from other countries might take your business one step ahead of the competition while also expanding the opportunities available to those workers. 

These services are offered by Global Employment Companies (GEC). Here are the key benefits of outsourcing your Human Resource Requirements globally.The outsourcing of your employment needs, to a global employment company (GEC), will result in numerous operational efficiencies.

What are the advantages of outsourcing global manpower employment?

  1. Enter new markets rapidly

By partnering with an internationally diversified Global Employment Outsourcing (GEO) company, you can enter new markets rapidly without establishing local entities.

Multinational operations can be overwhelming for expanding businesses. Your ability to focus on a long-term talent strategy is hindered by compliance, tax implications, and frequent immigration changes.

Partnering with a global employment company that has a thorough understanding of compliance will allow you to focus on expanding your business in the new market.

  1. Cost-effective and streamlined human resources

International employment and compliance issues are exacerbated when your costs increase as a result of managing multiple suppliers or recruiting HR professionals overseas.

Outsourcing international manpower requirements eliminates the need to maintain an expensive in-house team while allowing you to work with a single entity.

  1. Enhanced efficiency and communication

A global employer organization that is outsourced can provide a single point of contact for all inquiries.This improves efficiency and expedites the resolution of issues while reducing the need to involve multiple stakeholders.

  1. Maintain compliance and reduce risk

Not only must an international workforce be mobilised quickly, but also legally. It is essential for the success of a global company to remain abreast of new legislation.

A GEO specialist with vast local expertise ensures that your international workforce is managed compliantly no matter where in the world you decide to function.

  1. Reliable and accurate payroll

Maintaining in-house finance and international payroll teams can be expensive and difficult for clients without a permanent presence in the country.

A GEO company can manage local/national income tax and social security payments on behalf of each employee. Additionally, they should ensure that this amount is deducted from their pay and paid directly to the tax authorities.

Can outsourcing your global employment needs benefit your company? 

One of the highly reputed Global Employment companies ‘Soundlines’, provides fully integrated international talent resourcing and outsourcing services to clients. Additionally, Soundlines serves both blue-collar recruitment and white-collar recruitment in varied industries, doing the search for the best recruit more defined and successful every time.

Soundlines has offices in 24+ countries to facilitate the recruitment process for both employers and candidates. Soundlines offers organisations, access to its global experience while maintaining a local presence, ensuring that it understands your brand, culture, needs, and future goals.


Soundlines has served clients in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Poland, Russia, and Romania as a leader in the international HR recruitment industry for over two decades. 


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