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Hire a Global Recruitment Partner for the Oil and Gas Industry in Africa

global recruitment firms
global recruitment firms

Africa is now receiving a lot of attention from the oil and gas business because of the recent finding of massive natural gas reserves throughout the continent, particularly in the east.

This indicates a tremendous turnaround in the region’s reputation, which was previously not seen as a prominent participant in the worldwide energy market. States such as Mozambique and Tanzania are at the vanguard of this change. Mozambique has an estimated 3 trillion cubic metres (TCM) of recoverable natural gas reserves, up from 3.1 billion cubic metres (BCM) in 2010. The freshly found Brulpadda well in South Africa is expected to contain more than 1 billion probable barrels of oil equivalent. Thus, oil and gas firms are seeking to enter Africa as quickly as possible in order to exploit the continent’s immense energy potential. But, individuals in high positions are aware of how challenging this might be, not least since many of them will lack an African talent pipeline.

This has necessitated that oil and gas businesses in Africa cooperate with global recruitment firms. In turn, this gives them a choice: work with their competitor or worldwide agency or establish partnerships with local recruiters.

Six reasons to collaborate with a worldwide recruiting agency in Africa

There are compelling reasons to collaborate with a global recruitment company. First, it is a simple method to check that your supplier has personnel in the host nation. Yet, for oil and gas businesses seeking the best possible start in Africa, we feel that collaborating with a global recruiter with a strong local presence provides considerable advantages beyond what a local company can provide. 

Some of the advantages of collaborating with a global recruitment firm is:

      1. Compliance

The ideal oil and gas recruiting partner would have worked in and managed adherence to labor and immigration rules in several countries, while a local recruiter may not. The ability to depend on your partner’s knowledge is essential to ensuring that your business is as compliant as possible when entering a new market and offering immigration services, relocation services, and other services, and may help your project operate successfully.

      2. Regulation

Having a worldwide as well as a local presence indicates that the ideal recruitment partner will be not only familiar with a region’s existing regulatory regimes but also any future adjustments that may take place regarding labor laws, immigration, and more, in order to remain as compliant and adaptable as possible. Did you know, for example, that South Africa may alter its labor rules to combat the high rate of young unemployment?

  1. Persistence

Leading figures must focus on their own responsibilities and not on recruiting. Global recruitment firms are experts not only in understanding the local regulatory frameworks and legislation but also in finding the most qualified candidates and managing a large talent pool. Maintaining a robust talent pipeline is dependent on consistency in order to alleviate the burden of recruiting when major developments are commissioned.


A further advantage of choosing a worldwide recruiting partner over a regional one is the fact that they can assist with foreign payroll concerns. Foreign payroll and tax regulations may be complex when relocating employees to new locations. A dependable and knowledgeable recruiting partner will aid in minimising compliance and funding-related concerns to keep projects going smoothly.

  1. Local expertise

Local expertise and industry understanding are vital for offering the most effective global recruiting solutions. A global partner with a global reach (including local offices in the area) will utilise its resources efficiently to remain ahead of a region’s cultural and political context, as well as any other changes that may influence an energy project, in order to maintain recruiting agility.

  1. International influence

In emerging areas where the oil and gas business is new or current, the pool of qualified people with relevant experience is quite limited. Partnering with a global recruiting partner will provide you with access to the top local and international talent for the project. A well-known and reputable worldwide recruiter provides security and ease to international contractors on abroad assignments, where compliance, safety, and service are essential for establishing a happy working environment.

Takeaway for Employers

Evaluating your company’s entire human resource requirements may be time-consuming, but it is worthwhile. You would not start a company without a production, marketing, and sales strategy. Similarly, you must have a good strategy for administering human resources functions inside your firm. While a competent human resources program is essential for all firms, it is often secondary to the company’s main business role. Small and medium-sized businesses may cost-effectively maintain a competent and compliant human resources department by outsourcing HR activities.

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