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The 2023 Latest Human Resource Trends in the Middle East


Human resources (HR) is a dynamic sector, and its adaptability helps it to stay up with the technology, and global events that are always changing. Due to the pandemic, hyperinflation, and Ukraine-Russia conflict, HR professionals have been required to adjust to increasingly unusual scenarios and unanticipated interruptions during the past two years. 

Opportunities & Challenges

In difficult times, the majority of experts in this business have exhibited tenacity and inventiveness. To meet new hiring rules, visa constraints, and employee conflicts, there was a surge in demand for employment attorneys in the area. Despite this, online work remained a priority, since this notion was still relatively novel in the Middle East. It has been months since the most significant reforms caused mayhem in human resources. However, new trends continue to emerge, necessitating that HR experts maintain an eye out for the future and determine whether or not to incorporate these innovations.

Here are a few of the most significant HR trends that we may anticipate seeing in the next months and beyond.

Top 8 Human Resources Trends in the Middle East

  1. Prioritizing Employee Well-Being

Long before the epidemic, many firms in the Middle East suffered with tiny talent pools, but job hunters have opted to seek better working conditions and greater assistance from their potential employers. Those that want to attract elite talent cannot disregard these requirements. In the future years, the focus will be on employee well-being, prompting corporate leaders to adopt more robust steps to safeguard their employees’ physical and mental well-being. 

According to the most current health data in the Private Industry Report, stress and sadness pose the greatest threat to the mental health of workers. Additionally, many professionals are exhausted and struggle to maintain a work-life balance. Under Microsoft’s Work Trend Index, fifty percent of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) workers experience significant levels of stress. In the next months, businesses will seek to address these challenges by implementing wellness initiatives and programs.

  1. Reinforce Business Resilience

Even while firms in the Middle East look more resistant than their worldwide counterparts, there is still a considerable distance to go. New issues continue to emerge, requiring corporate executives and HR experts to be vigilant at all times. Ultimately, the Middle East is proud of its rising number of scale-ups, and often exceeds many of its worldwide competitors in this regard. 

Despite being a brave decision, expanding a firm is difficult, particularly in a decade that has been nothing but chaotic thus far. To strengthen the resilience of their firms, CEOs, and managers will need to identify effective human resource strategies and initiatives. On the other side, HR experts will need to urge workers to become more agile and to implement the organization’s goals. They will also need to foresee manpower difficulties and be prepared to react promptly. This involves bringing superior technology and mastering its optimal use.

  1. Concentrate on Fostering a Feeling of belonging

Most corporations and organizations in the Middle East identify their corporate culture and people-centered activities as their greatest achievement. But telework and hybrid work have questioned this belief and caused many HR experts to question if the same environment can be recreated in a digital context. As a consequence, many firms will concentrate on determining ways to enhance workers’ feelings of purpose. Self-managed work groups give blue-collar workers a sense of autonomy, involvement, and belonging. In addition, they will enhance their efforts to develop meaningful work and guarantee that everyday responsibilities are met.

  1. Advancing HR Automation

According to the Freshworks report, nine out of ten Middle Eastern and African workers found their office technology to be annoying. Even while the epidemic has expedited digital change in this area, these efforts have had little effect on attracting and retaining top people. Nonetheless, the Freshworks research revealed that 56% of employees would remain with their current employer if it invested in automation. In addition to improving the user experience, data security, and remote collaboration, an improved technological infrastructure will also aid businesses in enhancing their customer service.

  1. Taking Advantage of AI Analytics

To make the best choices and plan for the future, businesses seeking to boost their resilience and flexibility need insightful information and data-driven information. According to the WTW Survey Report, 88 percent of highly successful firms use analytics to comprehend the requirements and expectations of their workers. Investing in superior analytics will continue to be one of the leading HR trends in the Middle East in 2023 and even beyond, as it is one of the finest methods to get a comprehensive picture of the workforce and company development. Thus, AI-powered data empowers HR professionals and managers to motivate and direct their workers and foster a healthy business culture.

  1. Offering Greater Flexibility

Remote work isn’t anymore a buzzword. Today, the majority of job searchers expect employers to provide flexible work hours and the option to work from home. For example, 20% of job searchers in the Middle East are primarily interested in remote work. Employers that want to remain competitive and attract the greatest people must thus encourage flexibility and guarantee workers have input on their daily activities and work schedules.

  1. Increasing Investment in Learning and Development

The Middle East will continue to prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and explore methods to integrate innovative technology with education and development. Professional development and well-defined career pathways will be among the most prominent HR trends in the following months. HR professionals will further concentrate on designing comprehensive upskilling and reskilling programs. As the importance of internal mobility increases, more workers will have the option to migrate into new job responsibilities and take on more difficult tasks.

  1. Personalized Perks & Bonuses

According to the Middle East Willis Towers Watson 2019 – 2020 Benefit Trends Survey, the top objective for the most effective businesses is to enhance both wider and core benefits. 

A growing number of businesses will seek to unite their efforts to improve employee well-being and provide customized perks and incentives. As a consequence, the latter will be more comprehensive, focusing on the mental, financial, and social health, as well as inclusion and diversity, of employees. However, businesses will prioritize making advantages more relevant rather than universally attractive. The human resources business in the Middle East is growing and adapting to global changes and trends. However, this area focuses on employee well-being, technology, resilience, learning and development, flexibility, and perks.

The objective is to foster a greater feeling of purpose and meaningful employment. Consequently, the next HR trends will enable firms to become more competitive, efficient, and good in the workplace.

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We provide a one-stop shop for all staffing and support requirements in the UAE.

Before employing any individual, we conduct exhaustive background checks.

The added value of Human resource supply in the UAE

UAE, one of the most admired cities in the world and an attraction to  youngest and most skilled workforce from around the world. Human resources in the UAE are abundant. Our incredible team of specialists will recruit the right staff internationally. There are a number of advantages to obtaining the appropriate global workforce supply from us: Our clients receive the very best. Our primary objective is to provide superior manpower services. The adaptability of our HR service offerings is an added benefit for our customers. 

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We believe all our clients are our partners. When selecting personnel, we place a premium on the choices of our clients. Whether it is contract staff or on-demand staff, we carefully consider the feedback and consult accordingly.

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We are a prosperous manpower supply company in the UAE due to our honesty and adherence to work standards. Throughout the whole process, we have never failed to maintain open communication with our customers. 

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